Let Us Help You Achieve Your Strategic Goals


About Us

SBP Consulting is a women-owned consulting firm that specializes in strategy, performance metrics, and applied research. Our company has a deep understanding of the public sector, and we are dedicated to helping organizations enhance performance, achieve results, and deliver impact. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we are a trusted partner for organizations looking to enhance their capacity and achieve success in the public and non-profit sectors.

Sarah Brewer Procaccini, Ph.D., serves as President of SBP Consulting and leads the firm's efforts in business development, client engagement, and service delivery.  Sarah has over 20 years of experience in management consulting with expertise in developing strategic plans, defining performance metrics, and evaluating program performance and impact. Sarah recently served as the Director of Digital Equity Programs for CTC Technology & Energy where she supported the development of digital equity initiatives for state and local governments and as the Coordinator for Tech Together DC, Washington DC’s digital equity coalition working to bridge the digital divide. Prior to her work in Digital Equity, Sarah provided consulting and applied research services to government clients including the US Department of State, the US Navy, the Defense Health Agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the State of Oklahoma. In addition, Sarah has designed and managed global program evaluations and conducted research overseas in Israel, India, Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Italy, and South Africa.